Fraud Blocker

Serving California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Illinois with COVID-19 precautions in place and convenient virtual meetings.


Nearly $1 billion won for Employees, Consumers and Individuals
who have gotten a raw deal.

We're Ready to Fight Back. Are You?

What You Should Know About Debt Collection

Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), debt collectors are prohibited from misrepresenting themselves to you as well as information about your debt. However, this does not stop collection agencies from impersonating figures of authority and mischaracterizing possible penalties in an effort to coerce people to pay the debt. If a creditor is using such illegal tactics on you, you may be entitled to compensation.

Commonly Used Tactics

While debt collectors employ many collection strategies, some of the biggest misrepresentations reported include:

  • Identifying themselves as law enforcement officers, officers of the court or attorneys
  • Giving a false company name to hide the fact that they are a third-party debt collection company
  • Indicating that nonpayment of the debt can result in your arrest or your name being published in the newspaper
  • Mischaracterizing the amount of the debt
  • Implying they have a right to seize all of your assets

If a debt collector has engaged in any of these harassment methods when contacting you, your rights under the FDCPA may have been violated and our nationwide attorneys may be able to help.

What Collectors Are Required To Do

The FDCPA prohibits debt collectors from harassing customers and sets forth certain guidelines they must follow when contacting you, such as:

  • Correctly identifying themselves
  • Correctly identifying the original creditor
  • Notifying you of your right to dispute the debt
  • Providing verification of the debt in writing upon request

If these guidelines are not being adhered to by a debt collector who is communicating with you, we can help you assert your rights and hold the collector accountable.

Our Attorneys Are On Your Side

At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C., our lawyers are available at any time to go over your situation and assess your options. Speak directly with one of our attorneys.

We serve clients nationwide. Our California offices are in Woodland Hills, although we have offices in Chicago, Illinois, Cleveland, Ohio and King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, as well. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation by calling toll free or by filling out our online form.

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