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Los Angeles Workplace Discrimination Attorney

Nearly $1 billion won for Employees, Consumers and Individuals
who have gotten a raw deal.

We're Ready to Fight Back. Are You?

Los Angeles Discrimination Attorney

It’s never right to discriminate against someone because of their age, gender, race, ability, or sexual orientation. Yet we see employers doing this all the time! These employers pick their workers based on very specific categories and discriminate against those in other categories for selfish reasons. This is not right! 

If you believe that you are a victim of employee discrimination, don’t hesitate to reach out to a Los Angeles employment lawyer at the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C. for help. Your lawyer will guide you through the process of seeking and winning justice so that you can defeat discrimination in the workplace.

Los Angeles Age Discrimination Lawyer

In California, there are two major laws that protect against age discrimination. The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) dictates that it is illegal to refuse to hire someone, segregate someone, or offer someone lower wages based on their age. The Fair Employment and Housing Act of California (FEH) also dictates that no employer may discriminate against someone based on age or force people to retire unfairly.

In general, employers attempt to segregate older workers, refuse to hire older workers, or pay older workers less because they believe they are less effective at their job due to their age. If someone has refused to hire you because of your age, seek representation from an employment discrimination lawyer to fight back and get the job you deserve.

Los Angeles Disability Discrimination Attorney

The FEH of California and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) make unlawful the attempt by any employer to refuse to hire someone or properly pay someone who has a disability strictly on the basis of that disability. This law applies to both physical and mental disabilities. 

Of course, some people with disabilities are unable to perform certain tasks, and employers may try to excuse their actions by saying that you can’t work in their workplace with your disability. But they should be using every available means to make their workplace one of equal opportunity for anyone who wants to work there, including providing reasonable accommodations by adding software to your computer, installing special equipment, allowing you time for medical appointments, etc.

Worker Rights Under California Disability Discrimination Law

If you have a disability that will “limit a major life activity,” whether that disability is mental or physical, you have rights under the law to be treated exactly the same as other employees. Employers cannot refuse to hire you advance you, or accommodate your needs because you have a disability. If you need accommodation, your employer should attempt to give it. If they don’t, they are participating in discrimination.

Working with a lawyer can help you ensure your place despite your physical or mental limitations so that you can perform the job you want to do under unbiased employers and in the best possible workplace conditions.

Questions? Call Todd.

Our team of Employee and Consumer Protection Attorneys Are Ready to Help.

Gender Discrimination Attorney Los Angeles

It is illegal under the FEH to discriminate against any employer on the basis of gender. In the past, many workplaces preferred hiring men or paid men more money than women due to a perception that men were better workers. This practice still remains in some workplaces and has expanded to include discrimination based on other genders or transgender status. 

If you were offered a lower wage or were refused a job based on your gender, you have the right to pursue justice against the employer who discriminated against you. You can also help enforce the law that requires employers to offer training to employees to help them recognize and avoid any gender-based discrimination or harassment from other workers or managers.

If you suffered harassment because of your gender, get in touch with a lawyer right away to ensure that the harassment ends and those who caused your suffering are punished appropriately. 

Sexual Orientation Discrimination

The FEH specifies that no employer can discriminate against an employee based on their sexual orientation. Employers are required to know and in some cases to provide training that prevents discrimination and harassment against others because of their sexual orientation. Employers must allow employees to dress and act in accordance with their sexual orientation.

If an employer discriminates against you or harasses you because of your sexual orientation, the law allows you to pursue justice so that you can work the job you want to work regardless of who you are attracted to or how you identify your sexual orientation.

Los Angeles Religious Discrimination Attorney

Under the FEH, no employer can discriminate against hiring or working with an employee because of their religion. No matter what religion you practice, you are allowed to pursue a job in any business you choose. Employers must also do everything they can to accommodate their employees who hold different religious beliefs and need exceptions for those beliefs (such as wearing a head covering, not working on certain holidays, etc.). 

Employers should not force employees to act in contradiction to firmly held religious beliefs or enforce rules that won’t allow religious workers to live out the practices of their faith. If your employer has done so, you can pursue a case against them with help from an employment discrimination attorney

Questions? Call Todd.

Our team of Employee and Consumer Protection Attorneys Are Ready to Help.

Workplace Discrimination FAQs

Here are a few answers to questions we frequently hear from employees who are suffering from discrimination.

Q: How Does California Define Workplace Discrimination?

A: California defines discrimination as any act that will prohibit you from:

  • Getting hired
  • Getting promoted
  • Being selected for a training program
  • Receiving fair and equal compensation 
  • Working under fair and equal terms, conditions, or privileges.

You must prove that a negative action was taken against you because of your protected class when you were employed or hired. You must also prove that this negative action harmed you. If you can prove these things, you are eligible to pursue an employee discrimination claim with help from a Los Angeles attorney.

Q: What Do I Do if I Was Discriminated Against?

A: There are a few steps to take if you were discriminated against:

  1. Keep evidence of the discrimination, including your employment contract, email messages, texts, or phone calls you exchanged with your employer or fellow employees, and anything else that could be relevant.
  2. If you have a disability that you need to prove, have evidence ready.
  3. Contact an employment discrimination lawyer in Los Angeles to help you fight your case. 

Fighting For The Rights Of Employees Nationwide

We have built our practice on pursuing the rights of employees who have been wronged by their employers. This includes handling all types of discrimination, including:

Discrimination can take many forms, including being paid less for the same job, being passed over for promotions or being terminated. If you suspect that something isn’t right, chances are you are right. Our attorneys can help you get justice for what you have been through and obtain compensation.

Speak directly with attorney Todd Friedman. Todd will evaluate your situation and provide prompt and straightforward feedback, saving you time and alleviating uncertainty. With extensive experience handling discrimination matters, he can help you understand your rights and options.

Fight Back Against Discrimination In The Office or On The Job

The time to act is now if you have fallen victim to workplace discrimination. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation with our nationwide discrimination lawyer.

Questions? Call Todd.

Our team of Employee and Consumer Protection Attorneys Are Ready to Help.

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