If you have ever had to buy your own uniform, use your own car for work or cover other costs on the job, you may be entitled to reimbursement. However, if you don’t know your rights, your employer might not pay you what you are owed. That’s why we have created this brief SlideShare presentation to help you learn about the law.

You can click through the slides below to learn some important things about your right to get paid back for covering expenses on job, including:

  • What costs must be reimbursed under California law
  • Which expenses cannot be reimbursed
  • How much time you have to ask for reimbursement

Learning about your rights is the first step toward protecting them, so we encourage you to take a few minutes to view this presentation. Don’t let your employer get away with shifting operation costs onto you.

If you would like more information about getting reimbursed for your work-related expenses, we invite you to read our free white paper on the same topic: “Can They Make Me Pay For That? Work-Related Expenses And Reimbursement.”

Los Angeles Employment Attorney

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