Illegal Recording of Phone Calls
The recording of phone calls has become a hot button issue due to revelations of the National Security Agency’s recording of telephone calls in the United States and abroad. But the recording of phone calls is nothing new, particularly in the business world where calls are recorded for legitimate business purposes such as quality assurance and training.
Now. Privacy On The Line: Illegal Call Recordings and California’s Invasion of Privacy Act[/caption]
However, under California’s Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA), consumers can take legal action and seek compensation against creditors who have recorded phone calls for illegitimate purposes. If you believe your rights have been violated by a creditor it is important to seek the help of an experienced consumer rights attorney.
Representing Individuals And Classes In Illegal Recording Cases
At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman in Woodland Hills, California, we fight for the privacy rights of consumers nationwide. You can count on us for honest and aggressive representation as we pursue civil remedies against entities that have violated the CIPA. This includes pursuing statutory damages of $5,000 for each instance of illegal recording.
Violations of the CIPA include actions such as wiretapping, eavesdropping, recording telephone conversations and recording cellphone conversations without prior consent. Additionally, many people never realize their phone call is being recorded because the agent or representative fails to give them proper notice.
If your rights have been violated, it is important to have our firm on your side. We have the skills to navigate the civil courts and the resources to bear the financial burden until the case has been resolved. Working on your behalf, the experienced attorneys at The Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman will hold violators accountable.
Download Your FREE Whitepaper
If you’ve been the victim of eavesdropping or illegally recorded calls, download a whitepaper about your rights, options, and path to holding violators accountable.
Aggressively Protecting The Privacy Rights Of Consumers
Contact our firm today. At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C., you will get to speak to a lawyer directly about your rights under the CIPA and your civil options for obtaining compensation.Updated: May 7, 2017