A Look At Sexual Harassment Of Men

By law, any person in a management or supervisory position in California is required to participate in at least two hours of sexual harassment training biannually as noted in the Society for Human Resources Management. This is just one of the ways that the law attempts to maintain safe work environments free from
unwanted sexual advances, retaliation or other stresses associated with this form of discrimination for all Woodland Hills employees.

When hearing the term sexual harassment, many people automatically think of women as being the victims of such actions. While certainly numerous women suffer such harassment, a growing number of men are targets of
sexual harassment. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, more than 16 percent of all complaints of sexual harassment came from men from 2010 to 2013.

One reason for an increase in sexual harassment claims by men was suggested in a Forbes report. The article said that women have only recently risen to leadership positions that come with the power to dominate subordinates, including men. This change puts more men at risk for being harassed by female superiors.

However, not all male sexual harassment is perpetrated by women. Hazing, sexual requests and more can all be initiated by male superiors against male subordinates.

A Problem Across The Country

Men suffer discrimination and harassment in workplaces across the country:

  • The resignation of the head of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was brought about essentially by allegations of sexual harassment made by multiple male subordinates as noted by the New York Daily News.
  • A Take Part report provided information about complaints filed with the EEOC by two men against a large restaurant chain. The complaint centered on the restaurant’s unwillingness to hire male employees for specific jobs. A lawsuit has subsequently been filed.
  • According to the International Business Times, a member of a Texas law enforcement group was awarded $200,000 beyond the initial request in a suit against a former boss. The case focused on multiple requests for sexual acts and other such behaviors over multiple months.

Civil rights and employment laws are intended to protect all employees, not just women, and these cases illustrate how more men need such protection today.

What California Men Can Do

Men who believe they have been victims of sexual harassment or other forms of discrimination deserve help and should contact an attorney as soon as possible.

Sexual harassment of men can be a complicated issue. Talk with an experienced attorney from the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C. At our firm, you will speak directly with your attorney, which minimizes anxiety and saves you time.

Call ( toll free) or
email us to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer from our firm.

Ready to Fight Back?

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