Most people don’t pay much attention to their credit reports. As long as the credit score number is good enough to get the loan they need, they don’t give the report another thought. However, your credit report is extremely important.
Errors on your credit report could result in:
Many mortgage lenders and other lenders use the credit score and credit report to determine to approve an applicant.
A poor credit report makes you a bad risk in general, so insurance companies and lenders could raise your rates as a result.
In some careers, a poor credit report can disqualify you for important jobs and advancement opportunities.
At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C., we will examine your report, find errors and make sure those errors are corrected so that your report will accurately reflect your credit history.
There is no shortage of law firms in California, Illinois or Ohio who can represent you. So why choose us?
Todd Friedman has been named a Super Lawyer 2016-2020, a distinction of professional achievement and peer recognition.
Speak directly with attorney Todd Friedman about your case. Todd will evaluate your situation and provide prompt and straightforward feedback, saving you time and alleviating uncertainty.
Our firm has earned an A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau and has been accredited since 2010.
We are strong advocates for our clients and have the resources necessary to take on powerful opponents and win.
There is NO UPFRONT COST to contact our firm and pursue a remedy to your situation. We work on a contingency fee basis.
We offer free initial consultations.
If you have experienced a violation of your rights, call us.