For many years, women in the American workforce have simply accepted lower wages for the same work as their male counterparts. The truth is, there wasn’t much choice for them. Their employers would offer them less money, take it or leave it.

However, this situation is changing for the better. Due to recent case law, employers are restricted in their reasons for giving women lower pay than their male counterparts. At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C., we represent women who have been discriminated against in the workplace.

New SlideShare And Whitepaper

Our firm has released a new whitepaper, entitled “Opening Doors: A New Way To Protect Women’s Rights In Equal Pay Actions.” In this whitepaper, we explore the new 9th Circuit case law and the changes happening for women’s rights in the workplace.

For a more high-level exploration of these issues, you can read our recently published SlideShare, which summarizes the whitepaper content.


Los Angeles Employment Attorney

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