Most of the media and news sources claim that there should be caps on plaintiff litigation, and they point out an increase in litigation as a problem. They paint a picture of plaintiffs’ attorneys as hindering our society.

However, this painting looks significantly different when you look at it from the other side. The only problem caused by increased litigation is a problem for businesses violating the law or peoples’ rights. Increased litigation simply means that more people are getting the help and advocacy they need.

TCPA Litigation Sprawl

According a report from the U.S. Chamber for Legal Reform, litigation stemming from the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) has increased 46% since 2015. Further, more than one-third of these TCPA lawsuits are filed as class-action claims.

The article attempts to frame this trend as a problem, claiming “The sprawl of TCPA litigation illustrates the serious problem that occurs when uncapped statutory damages and a technologically-outdated statute work together to over incentivize litigation.” The article further states that most of the lawsuits examined were not aimed at the type of companies or behavior the initial legislation was aimed at.

We Take Pride in Defending Consumer Rights

Although the U.S. Chamber of Legal Reform frames the increased litigation as “TCPA litigation sprawl” and considers this trend a serious problem, we disagree.

In fact, in the article’s list of top TCPA cases files, our law firm tops the list. At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, we take pride in this fact. If increased litigation of this kind is a problem, it is only a problem for companies violating the rights of consumers. We are proud of the fact that we are at the forefront of those fighting to protect our clients from invasive tactics of aggressive corporations.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 is a body of legislation intended to protect consumers from overaggressive or predatory communications from businesses. Our job is to use that legislation to protect our clients’ rights.

As attorney Todd M. Friedman himself states, “We are very proud of the hard work we have done and continue to do in leading the fight for consumers’ rights as it relates to this area of law. As evidenced by this report, The Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman has been and will continue to be the leaders in TCPA litigation and class actions.”

If you have been harassed or mistreated by any company’s communications to you, talk with us to determine whether you have a valid legal claim. Attorney Todd Friedman and our entire team would be proud to help you.


Los Angeles Employment Attorney

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