Attorney Todd Friedman obtains class certification on robocall case.

Almost everyone receives automated marketing calls at one time or another. In addition to being universally annoying, they are also frequently illegal. However, what most people don’t realize is that victims of robocalls can fight back.

Fighting back is exactly what California lawyer Todd M. Friedman does regularly for his clients. In a recent development, Todd Friedman obtained class certification for a group of people who were repeatedly called without their consent in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

What Happened?

According to the complaint, Royal Seas Cruises Inc., used data from a lead generation company to contact the plaintiffs. Apparently, the lead generation company obtained the plaintiffs’ information illegally, without them filling out any contact form or granting any consent for the use and distribution of their information.

What is the TCPA?

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act protects consumers against unconsented telephone solicitation and automated marketing calls.

What is Class Certification?

Class certification is the approval by the court to bring a class action claim. A class action claim is when the plaintiff is a group of people who have suffered similar harm from the defendant. There are nuances, but simply put, they consolidate their claims into one claim against the defendant.

For instances like the Royal Seas case, where many plaintiffs suffered harm from the same actions, it makes sense to combine those cases into one case.

How Can I Fight Back?

If you have been harassed by robocalls, you can fight back. Record all instances of robocalls that you receive and capture all the information you can. Then talk with a lawyer to discuss your rights and options.


Los Angeles Employment Attorney

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