What Consumers Should Know About FRCA Violations

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a body of law established to make sure American consumers receive fair and accurate reports to protect their credit scores. If you have seen false reports or inaccuracies that could impact your credit score, we can help you fight back.

At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C., our lawyers represent clients in a range of consumer rights issues, including problems with credit reports and violations of the FCRA. We serve clients in Woodland Hills and throughout the surrounding coastal areas of California.

Most people feel powerless when they see FCRA violations. Our attorneys have a track record of success in these matters, and we can protect you against false and inaccurate reports.

  • Inaccurate totals: The details of your debt, remaining balances and other financial information make up the lifeblood of your credit score. When these numbers are inaccurate, it will directly impact your score, almost always negatively.
  • Inaccurate default or charge-off information: A false report of a default, charge-off or even a settlement could be catastrophic. Defaults, charge-offs and settlements all represent debts that were not properly paid off and the creditor did not receive full payment.
  • Inaccurate dates: Sometimes, a wrong date for a credit event could be a problem as well. If, for example, you missed a single payment for one month, and the report has it listed as being behind on the debt for a year or more, this could cause problems with your credit score.
  • Inaccurate creditors: As hard as it might be to believe, there are times when a credit report shows a creditor or lender that doesn’t exist or with whom you have had no financial dealings. Obviously, reports of transactions that don’t exist could cause problems on your report.
  • Inaccurate loan completion information: The time in which you finish paying off a loan or close a line of credit is important. When the dates of these events are reported incorrectly, it will cause problems to your overall score.

Contact The Law Offices Of Todd M. Friedman

Do not let yourself be a victim of false reporting. The stakes are too high. To schedule a consultation with an experienced attorney from the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, contact us today.

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