Salaried workers traditionally have not qualified for overtime. But as pay has lagged for employees classified exempt or salaried and hours only increase, new federal rules will provide welcome relief.

While the rules do not go into effect until December, you need to learn if and how they might affect you. In order to provide more details, we recently put together a white paper.

Employment issues also go beyond pay. Asking questions can ruffle feathers and lead to subsequent retaliation. In addition, if your position is reclassified from exempt to non-exempt, you may be entitled to meal and rest breaks. When employers retaliate or fail to offer appropriate breaks, legal remedies do exist.

If you have earn a salary of less than $47,476 and work more than 40 hours most weeks, read “Overtime: Are You Eligible Under Expanded Federal Regulations?” now. You will learn:

  • The basic rules for determining exempt/non-exempt status
  • How bonuses or commissions affect the new salary floor in California
  • When to have a discussion with your employer

Employers have several options to comply with the new rules in the next few months. We explain what they are and provide several practical examples. When you have concerns about the actions of your employer, get more information by speaking with one of our experience employment law attorneys.


Los Angeles Employment Attorney

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