When a personal injury results from someone else’s negligence, the injured party may be able to collect compensation for their pain, suffering and loss of income. Below is a list of the most frequent types of personal injury claims that our office receives:

Auto Accidents: common causes for car accidents and injuries are driver distraction or negligence; alcohol or drug related driving; defective vehicle parts, poor driving conditions or roads; high traffic levels, and speeding. Some accident analysts and police speculate that California culture and roads account for more California auto accidents: drivers with high performance cars trying to run a red light are frequent causes of accidents. In 2007, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in California there were 3,974 traffic fatalities in California, 2,595 passenger vehicle occupant fatalities, 517 motorcyclist fatalities in California, 1,464 speeding-related fatalities in California. When a motorist is injured or loved one is lost due to the negligence of another, he or she can seek compensation for their losses. A driver may be held negligent if he or she is speeding, driving while intoxicated or operating the car recklessly.

Defective products: Manufacturers have an obligation to ensure their products are safe for consumers to use. Additionally, manufacturers are required to include adequate warnings to prevent harm to the consumer. When a product contains a defect or inadequate warning, the manufacturer or other entity may be liable for any resulting injuries.

Slip and fall: This type of personal injury case occurs when an individual slips or trips because of unsafe conditions. For example, if a person slips on a wet floor, the property owner may be liable for the victim’s injuries.

Workplace injuries: Employees who are injured on the job can recover benefits through their employer’s workers’ compensation program. In addition to the common slip and fall or carpal tunnel syndrome there are other workplace injuries that are generally covered by worker’s compensation, as well. Such as, if you are traumatized by witnessing another employee injured or killed on the job; a stressful working environment; depression caused by suffering a workplace injury and exposure to asbestos.

If you have suffered a personal injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, please give my office, The Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman a call today at (877) 449-8898.


Los Angeles Employment Attorney

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