A Consumer Protection and Employment Law Firm Serving California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Illinois.

Can They Make Me Pay For That


Can They Make Me Pay For That

Can They Make Me Pay For That?

White Paper Button3.jpg It is not uncommon for businesses to shift costs onto employees by requiring them to pay for things like uniforms, gas mileage or tools. However, this is often illegal.

If you have ever had to cover your own expenses in the course of doing your job, you may be entitled to reimbursement under California law. I created this white paper as a starting point to help you determine whether California’s employee reimbursement law may apply to you. In it, you will learn:

  • Which work-related expenses your employer is required to reimburse
  • Whether your boss can retaliate against you for requesting reimbursement
  • What time limits apply when you seek reimbursement

By learning about your right to be paid back for job-related expenses, you can protect your financial interests and help ensure fair treatment for yourself and those you work with. Learn more by reading ” Can They Make Me Pay For That? Work-Related Expenses And Reimbursement.”

Todd Michael Friedman

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Want to learn more about the subjects covered in our white paper? View the following presentation.

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