Some employers have not learned that they must take sexual harassment claims by employees seriously. In California and all other states, an employer must immediately see to it that there is no possibility of the charges being repeated, even if that means transferring the accused supervisor to another department or location. The employing company must also must quickly make a thorough and objective investigation to determine whether sexual harassment did occur.

The employer is also prohibited from taking retaliatory action against a person who makes a sexual harassment claim. These are all part of the protocol required by both state and federal laws that prohibit employment discrimination of this kind. A case in a nearby state shows all of the wrong ways for a company to handle sexual harassment charges.

The Vail Run Resort and its management company have agreed to pay $1million to be distributed among eight female housekeepers. They claimed that a housekeeping supervisor demanded sex from them or he would fire them, give them less hours and otherwise harass them on the job. He assaulted the women sexually several times. When the women got up the courage to complain to the management company, Global Hospitality Resorts, an executive at the company told them they could quit if they didn’t like it, and did nothing to prevent additional abuse from occurring.

The mistreatment in the case is considered to be a common peril for immigrants who work in the hospitality industry. The company agreed to hire a bilingual monitor to see to it that the settlement terms were enforced. In addition, the company promised to train managers in the employment laws prohibiting discrimination and sexual harassment. The main offender who committed the sexual assaults is now facing criminal charges. The prohibited actions that occurred are illegal in California as well as all other states.

Source:, “Manager at top ski resort in CO demanded sexual favors from Mexican workers, suit says”, Feb. 17, 2016


Los Angeles Employment Attorney

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