Last week was national Dog Bite Prevention Week and the U.S. Post Office is shining a spotlight on U.S. cities where mail carriers are most at-risk for getting bitten. Unfortunately, Los Angeles has received the dubious distinction of being the dog bite capital at #1 on the list.
Annually, dogs bite more than 4.7 million people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And of the more than 4.7 million victims who are bitten each year, about 800,000 seek medical attention, including about 385,000 people who need to visit a hospital emergency room or other urgent care center.
The U.S. Post Office is asking dog owners to help prevent future incidence that harshly affect the postal carriers who are charged with delivering your mail every day. Ken Snavely, the acting postmaster of Los Angeles, has said, “If our letter carriers deem your loose dog to be a threat, you will be asked to pick up your mail at the Post Office until it is safe to deliver.”
Dog bites can be very traumatic, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, some people who have chosen not to seek immediate medical care have even died, due to infection. Whether the bite is from a big dog or a little dog, it is important to get checked out immediately. If you have suffered a personal injury due to someone’s vicious dog not being kept under control, please call California Personal Injury Attorney, Todd M. Friedman at 877-449-8898 for a free consultation.